Job Search & Employment Support

Job Search & Employment Support

The activity was meant to improve asylum seekers’ access to employment services and their chances of finding a job in the Varese area, by enhancing their basic knowledge and skills. Date & Time of Activity: 30/01/2023 – 30/07/2023 two hours once every month...
INTEgreat UNIBO Team at Utrecht University Conference

INTEgreat UNIBO Team at Utrecht University Conference

INTEgreat’s UNIBO team took part to the Conference in Utrecht, promoting INTEgreat contents on Integration Strategy Framework, with a speech entitled: “Asylum Seekers and Refugees Inclusion in Europe: the Importance of Social Innovation” presented by...
INTEgreat UNIBO team at the Conference in Gothenburg University

INTEgreat UNIBO team at the Conference in Gothenburg University

INTEgreat’s UNIBO team took part to the Conference with a speech entitled: “Innovative integration strategies in the areas of employment, training, access to healthcare & social cohesion. The findings of the INTEgreat project”. On this occasion,...
INTEgreat UNIBO team took part at IMISCOE Annual Conference

INTEgreat UNIBO team took part at IMISCOE Annual Conference

INTEgreat UNIBO Team was among the participants of the Panel Session #222 – The nexus of refugee integration and social policies with a speech entitled: “Asylum Seekers and Refugees Inclusion in Europe: what Social Innovation?” , by Emanuela Dal...