Through the implementation of the INTEgreat pilot project in Varese, Italy, various activities and services were offered in the four main areas of intervention of the project (training and capacity building, employment, health and social cohesion) to benefit asylum seekers who are guests of Ballafon’s reception centers. Such activities spanned from the creation of CVs and cover letters to Italian language courses, health workshops, vocational training courses, mental health sessions with psychologists, outings around the city, volunteering, support to mothers in the educational development of children, and intercultural events. All pilot activities aimed to create a safe space for migrants to work and do leisure activities, making them feel at ease.
Once the pilot activities had been designed following the ISF guidelines and checklists with the co-participation of migrants, Ballafon began planning the logistical aspects, including the involvement of beneficiaries and stakeholders to deliver the activities. At the beginning of the Chef Assistant vocational training course, Ballafon encountered a challenge, the kitchen was too small to hold 20 people, which was the target number of participants. They met with Enforma, the stakeholder delivering the course, and discussed potential solutions such as moving the course to a bigger kitchen, which was more difficult to reach for beneficiaries, or organizing the course in two smaller groups. They opted for the latter and formed two groups of 10 people each to attend the course, which was a success. It took slightly longer to complete the course due to this challenge, however with a smaller number of participants, the learning experience was more efficient. Following the course, at least three female participants were able to find a job. Ballafon and all stakeholders involved in this activity were very pleased with its outcome.Another example of a lesson learned related to creating an ideal space in which migrants can work and interact freely, is the pilot activity on mental health offered in Varese to vulnerable migrants. The sessions were organized in small groups of 4-5 people and aimed to improve awareness on the importance of mental health, addressing the migrants’ needs and facilitating their path towards integration. Participants were identified based on their the extent to which their vulnerable characteristic impacted their quality of life. Meetings were held in small groups of migrants belonging to the same household and focused on several issues, including living together and sharing a home. They were led by the psychologists specialized on cultural diversity, accompanied by the social worker, the facility operator (Ballafon) and the linguistic mediator. The sessions allowed the psychologist to establish relations with very vulnerable migrants, to engage them and foster individual care paths with psychological care and support. It was observed that the presence of the psychologist, after providing adequate information on her skills and role to the beneficiaries, made it possible to break down preconceptions that they often have towards them. Group psychological support has also made it possible to learn more about the internal dynamics of the Ballafon reception centers, thus promoting the empowerment of both the individual and the household. It should also be noted that the meetings facilitated communication and sharing between migrants, Ballafon’s operators and social workers. Overall, the activity outcome was very positive and generated emotional resilience, enhanced coping skills and increased self-awareness.
Activity 7 of the Italian pilot project focused on the importance of motherhood and the education of children. This activity also required the creation of a friendly environment for the mothers and their small children. The Ballafon team tried to address various themes, to give mothers the opportunity to gain useful tools to adequately deal with the parenting and education of their children, in many aspects of daily life. The women were informed about their rights and how to access services in the area. Some activities involved the presence of both mothers and their children and in this case, childcare was not a problem. For other activities, in some circumstances, the mothers brought the children with them and were able to follow the activity thanks to Ballafon’s support, which consisted of making games and toys available to entertain the children, under supervision. Parenting in a completely new country is certainly a challenge in migratory contexts and this activity provided invaluable support to the mothers and their children. It is worth mentioning that the provision of childcare to migrant mothers by local authorities would be very helpful to allow the women to participate in more activities.

Women migrants participating in the vocational training course as Chef Assistant – Photo: Ballafon
In Italy, the Ballafon team emphasised that at the basis of every human relationship, it is essential to establish a certain degree of trust and certainly, this was the approach that allowed the achievement and success of the INTEgreat pilot project activities in Varese. Understanding and respecting those in front of you, their world, their culture, their mindset and their values is key. In order to establish mutual trust, the Ballafon team is first of all loyal and honest through clear and transparent communication, using simple and accessible language also with the support of cultural mediators, who not only facilitate communication by avoiding misunderstandings, but also act as a “bridge” between the needs of migrants and hosts. Creating a welcoming environment that respects the migrants’ experiences was one of the most significant factors that allowed the Ballafon team to establish a relationship of trust with the migrants, successfully facilitating their participation in the INTEgreat project activities.