INTEgreat’s UNIBO team took part to the Conference with a speech entitled: “Innovative integration strategies in the areas of employment, training, access to healthcare & social cohesion. The findings of the INTEgreat project”. On this occasion, it was possible to share the contents of the INTEgreat project with other researchers and experts, in particular by describing the ISF (Integration Strategy Framework) and the Guide Lines.
Latest Articles:
- Preparation of New Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) – Limerick in the eyes of Migrants- Part 2.
- Lessons learned from implementing the pilot project and creating spaces that foster integration in Limerick
- Lessons learned from the Italian pilot project in Varese and the importance of creating friendly spaces to foster migrant integration
- Preparation of the New Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) – Limerick in the eyes of Migrants- Part 1.
- The Social Caffe as an enabling space for migrant integration