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Engaging Stakeholders: Collaborative Integration Research for Migrants’ Inclusion
In recent years, the integration of migrants into host communities has emerged as a pressing concern across Europe. Effective migrant inclusion requires the active engagement of multiple stakeholders. From policymakers and researchers to civil society organizations...
Lessons Learnt from the Cyprus Pilot: The importance of the cultural mediators for the integration process
For a period of 18 months SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education has been implementing a series of activities built around the Integration Strategy Framework prepared for the INTEgreat project. During those months and through our interactions with TCNs,...
Preparation of New Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) – Limerick in the eyes of Migrants- Part 2.
Quality of Community Life: Positives, Negatives & What is Needed to Improve It? These questions relate to the social capital of local areas and, in particular, community spirit/trust, getting involved in voluntary and community groups, collaboration to address...